in the dev mode configuration it is possible to choose Compose as language, so is there a native way to export the project to Kotlin?
in the dev mode configuration it is possible to choose Compose as language, so is there a native way to export the project to Kotlin?
Hi @Luca_S, Thanks for reaching out with your question!
I’ve looked into it a bit, but so far, I haven’t found a native solution for what you’re asking. I’ll consult internally to see if there’s a native approach available and will updated once I learn anything.
In the meantime, while it might not be a perfect match for your needs, here are some plugins you might find interesting:
Feel free to explore on your own :https://www.figma.com/community/
Hope it helps a bit! If I’ve misunderstood anything, please let us know. If anyone in our community has any extra information, feel free to share it!
Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.
Hi there, I just wanted to inform you that, regrettably, there is currently no native method for this.
You can refer to the following link for a list of native workflows with officially supported integrations: Figma Integrations