Is it possible to have a toggle that plays/mutes the audio of a video when both are within a component?
I have successfully made this work when the video is on the page as an asset and only the toggle button is a component. But now I have both within a component (which I need to animate it) the toggle will not work.
A play/pause the video toggle will work if I make the video itself clickable - if that matters at all.
Here is an example prototype of what I’m doing:
The placeholder videos and animation probably don’t make much sense out of context but I wanted to share the component exactly as is. If you scroll down the page the video will expand and the audio toggle will be visible.
In reality there is a short 1-2 second loop. And when the component expands the longer video is made visible. It’s more seamless than the example I shared with random placeholder!
You can also see inside the file here:
That file will show the canvas, video component and the separate mute/unmute toggle button.
Hope someone can shed some light on this!