Ever since the iPad pro M1 launched, I’ve dreamt of being able to use an iPad for my UI work. The browser experience works quite well, but the Figurative app comes with some nice features such as double tap to undo, and that the pen is being able to select, while the fingers is used to navigate the canvas. I would love for these features to come to the iPad browser experience as well, for a more native experience!
I also had some ideas while trying to only use the touchscreen and pen, and skipping the keyboard. The biggest frustration for me right now is that I miss the shift and cmd keys to example get an element placed in the same horizontal line, but primarily to be able to select multipel items. My suggestion is to introduce on-screen buttons for the shift and cmd keys, this would definitely help me a bunch. And to spin off on that idea, it would also be cool to be able to have a “macro” button that you yourself can customize to a keyboard shortcut.
I also saw a thread on the Figma community about the ability to select multipel items (Multi-select on iPad) and thought that this might be a good solution to bring to Figma on the iPad. He referred to Affinity and that it is possible to select one layer and then hold a finger on the screen to be able to select more items. This would really help my workflow and make me use Figma on the iPad even more.
Also i’m curious if the new UI 3 will be more compatible with the iPad and make it easier for touch controls?
Would love if the iPad app would get an editor update in the near future, but for now, these changes would make it a lot more usable.
Best regards, Milton, a UI/UX designer from Sweden