Make it clear that you have to pay to bring on any editors


After reading this great article (Figma and the cost of collaboration | by Rosie Hoggmascall | Aug, 2024 | UX Collective), I checked to see what I was paying. I was paying for 3 design seats on my personal pro Figma account because I invited 2 people to edit a file a few months ago and I’ve been paying for them every since!! I would have never realized I was being overcharged for nothing if I hadn’t read that article. Those collaborators only worked on one project one time. I was never notified by email or on the Figma app itself.

What a disgusting practice just to rake in more money. I can’t wait for Penpot or another software to take over the market because you got greedy and you trick your customers just because you feel like you have no competitors. I was going to recommend you to my current company but definitely not after this. Why would I work with a software that I have to constantly check that they don’t overcharge me? This is the beginning of the end RIP FIGMA