Hey there, I’m a really new figma user, and I’m enjoying this app a whole lot . I did a brief search to see if my question was specifically addressed, and I’m not sure it is. So…
I’ve created a huge canvas with dozens of individual graphical sketches in Figma, and everything I want to export is organized as a carefully-named group in the “layers” section on the left side. My hope in exporting is that I could select all the groups in that layer panel, and export all my groups as individual files. That’s not working out though – some groups export the way I’d expect, while other individual elements from groups are being exported as well.
Is there a way to organize Figma so that I could have a simple way of exporting all of my ideas? My goal is to be able to clump/group all of my elements in such a way, that I could select them and export… and have all the filenames that I intended…