Is there a complete Angular Material UI kit for Figma?

Working on a big project and need the entire Angular Material library in UI Kit form for Figma. Does anyone know where to find such a thing. Doesn’t need to be free.

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Hi @Ali_Sherafat, here’s what I’ve found so far:

You can also look at the Angular Resources page.


Have you found one yet? I consider building one from scratch or perhaps use Google Material kit as a starting point.

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It doesn’t look like there is a comprehensive Angular Material UI Kit available. Does anyone know of one? The ones I know listed below, but none of them has the full-depth and breadth.

  2. Angular Material (Material Design Component Figma Library For Angular) | Figma Community
  3. Ng Material Component Library | Figma Community

We are thinking of building a comprehensive Angular Material UI Kit. Would anyone be interested in using it?

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This is something I found on the Angular Material site