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I took a design in the Figma community. And there are many instances that I want. But there is no a main component for rewrite.

The only way I found is create a component above the “community component”, but it’s not the same.

Is there a way to have the real/export “real” component to my file? Or convert the instance to the parent component?

Hello @Norman_Jaimes, Thank you for getting in touch about the community design file! I understand that having access to the main component would be helpful.

I reviewed a design file that was duplicated from the community, and I could access the main component by clicking on the [go to main component] icon in the instance properties after selecting an instance.


Could you please verify if this is applicable in your file from community as well?

I hope this information is useful! If I have misunderstood anything, please let me know.

Also, we welcome insights and suggestions from our community, so feel free to join!

