Hey, I’m doing some remote testing with my prototypes and recording the results over video calls, but I can’t figure out a way to see where my users are tapping and clicking. You know on testing software you can see little circles appear when users interact with the screen, is there any way of turning that on in Figma prototypes?
I’m also trying to figure the same problem out. I apologize if this comment doesn’t help, but I’m also experiencing the same pain point.
Figma’s prototype is currently not supported.
You can try miro.
I always use it for user testing.
You can create a First Click test in our internal tool Display. It’s free.
Clicks you’ll be able to see on a hitmap inside the test. But I have to mention, it’s unmoderated testing, user just get a link and perform the test himself.
How do you get clicks to display in miro?
We use the Think Aloud Protocol, but users not always explain what they are doing. A prototype cannot be fully functional, so we have the same issue.
On a mobile prototype the circle pointer changes slightly on click, but it’s too subtle to see in a recording.
@Figma_Support Is there any update on this? As I’ve been trying to screen record for Figma prototypes and it won’t show any interactions or clicks
The same problem here. I want to record a user interacting with a prototype in figma mirror on ios. I need to register tapping and eventualy dragging when I screen record the iphone.
It would be great to show circle animation when clicked, path animation when dragged. Or having that option to turn on or off.
Take is as a feature request, essential for user testing, thanks
i would love to see this implemented! it’s essential for remote user testing
Just wanted to add - I could really use this to also record Usability questionnaire scores (e.g. SEQ after tasks)