How can I find 'Used' Variables

Hi there, Thank you for getting in touch with us.

If you see the variable in the design file, it indicates that the variable is being used somewhere within the file. You may find the plugins mentioned above helpful in locating the variable.

If the variable continues to appear even though it’s not being used anywhere in the file, you can check out this helpful walkthrough from our Designer Advocate, Miggi:

If you are on UI3:

If the above doesn’t solve the issue, I recommend reaching out directly to our support team so they can take a look at your file:
When reaching out, please remember to include the following details:

  • Your Figma account email
  • Recording or Screenshots of the issue
  • The URLs of the affected file and any related library files, add as an editor of those files(this will not affect your billing)

Thanks for your assistance and understanding!