(Help)Scrolling behavior on Window Browser

I have an issue during creating prototype on Figma.
The effect was simple, I have 1 layer of image fixed at the bottom and all the content is scrollable on the top of that image layer.
(The Fixed Background tutorial ) by Gleb, huge thanks to him)
According to this tutorial, i have a fixed position headers, then a fix Background Image frame at the bottom, a Scroll frame (I set the Overflow scrolling is Vertical Scrolling)on the top with width and height same size with the Background Image, within the Scroll frame, I have my contents (same width but the height is like twice.)

I use Google Chrome on both
On Mac, the prototype works perfectly.
However, when i use a Window PC and open the same link, the prototype is not working.
Once I reach the bottom and scroll back to the top, the Back ground IMG frame is not fixed anymore, leaves my page with many blank Background contents.
Also, the page is scrollable even when i reached the end of the page. (I double checked the length of every content frames I have but there is no excess length frame, also this issue did not happen when I open the same prototype link on Mac)

If anyone ever experienced the same issue about scrolling overlay behavior on a Window computer? It would be helpful if anyone help me to fix this (or can you spot where I make it wrong)