Fill another part of vector

Hi All,

I am trying to fill the background of this vector white but I can’t seem to do it. I can only fill the mask shape but how do I click the background and fill that white as it I want it White with the black strokes.


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A single vector can only be a single color. Make separate vectors for different colors.

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i agree 1 layer 1 colour. so you would have to choose your work flow.

either you can layer each colour based on the 1st layer you have here and then build it up (ex duplicate, delete nodes, close loop, etc).

or you can do it like a jigsaw puzzle. but the jigsaw way is a bit worry some because if the notes and anchors are on grid constrain then when you resize some points will miss the mark and looks off. this will create an empty space as well.

use the Edit Object button in the toolbar to quickly enter vector edit mode. You can also double-click, or use Enter.

Once in edit mode, click “B” on your keyboard. this will select the “paint bucket”, allowing you to color-in the closed shapes separately.

Hope this helps.


Bless up… this tip still works even now! Thanks =)

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Not all heroes wear capes

Thank you Daelij, I almost teared up from unbelief and happiness.