File icon for published Libraries

When you have A LOT of files in your team, and many are published team libraries, the only way to know which files are libraries is to go into some file, go to the assets panel, click on the library icon, and scroll through all available libraries. If you want to unpublish a library, you then have to go back to the browser, find that file, open it and unpublish it.

A better way could be to simply take the chance of these new icons which differentiate between Figma and Figjam files, and add a type of file icon for published files:

Hey @luiscamino :smiley: We’ve pushed an update to now make it easier to identify libraries!

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So cool! Thanks for the heads up! Speaks volumes that this was done even if my suggestion had an astounding ZERO votes :sweat_smile:

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The new file icons are not shown up on files without published styles.
It is confusing, because we are using library files with components only

So currently you cannot identify those files as libraries

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I’ve seen this in the new upgrades, thank you @anon21722796. But I’m the kind of guy who always use the list view. :sweat_smile:

It would be great if the file icons will someday appear in the list view. :raised_hands:

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