Figma Modes Enterprise (40 modes) on a Free account

I’ve discovered that if you create collections and up to 40 modes in a Figma Enterprise account, you can still use these modes in a free account (e.g., an agency account) even if the components were created in the enterprise account. I haven’t upgraded to enterprise yet, but I’ve tested this with the 4 modes available in the Pro tier, and it works. My question is: if I upgrade to enterprise and create more than 4 modes, will I still be able to use all 40 modes in a free account, even if I can’t create them there? Has anyone tried this yet?

Edit: You’re copying the component from the enterprise file into the free file.

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You can use any number of modes in a lower tier, you just wont be able to make any changes to modes outside of your pricing plan.
IE if you copy a community file that has 20 modes onto a free plan, you’ll be able to change to those modes, but not edit modes 2-20. Publishing is also restricted, so you’ll have to delete down to the number of modes for your tier before publishing.