Figma embed parameters?

Our team is using Figma embeds in our documentation site to show live previews of our design components. Whenever possible, we’d like to display these previews at 100% scale. Looks like Figma tries to scale embedded frames to fit in the iframe (a good default!) but I’m wondering if there are url params that we can use to control the scaling behavior, similar to those used in Figma prototype share links?

Additionally, it would be INCREDIBLY useful if the embedded Figma iframe could post a message to the parent window when it loads and include the native (100% scaled) width and height of the frame. That way, the host page could optionally use that information to resize the iframe to accommodate the Figma content.

Please consider!


Agree. The contain scaling is not the best for external embeds. Our use case is, we have component docs and Storybook documentation. When you switch to view the Figma embed, the content is really small. Considering moving this content outside of Figma.

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Hey all

It may not be an issue for yourselves 2 years on, but for anyone that might find this thread i have stumbled on this issue for myself today and i have found a work around that would of solved the issue for @John_Gill - I hope it helps someone