Facing a bug while trying to make glass morphism object

I while making buttons in figma using glassmorphism I am facing a bug, that the background remains white. The desired background blur is visible on the object when scrolling down, not otherwise.https://www.figma.com/proto/o7LF1GGq8RSESF420bkKUA/Daily_Mudras_App?node-id=382%3A380&viewport=-21470%2C-629%2C1.904916524887085&scaling=scale-down

Where? Everything seems to be working for me:

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Hi Gleb,
I am sending you the link please check here. Previous link doesn’t point to the problem.

Please check below link :

same problem, not creating a glassmorphism effect.

i want to create this shape to glassmorphism effect, but doesnt work.