Made a function to search for all instances on the page, and then toggle the ‘Mode’ property values from light to dark, and vice versa. But it stuck after only changing one instance and then I got the error
Error in get_name: The node (instance sublayer or table cell) with id ‘xxxx’ does not exist
Here is the function.
function updateComponentProperties() {
const page = figma.currentPage;
// Find all INSTANCE nodes on the current page
const instanceNodes = page.findAll(node => node.type === 'INSTANCE') as InstanceNodea];
a = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < instanceNodes.length; i++) {
a = a+1;
console.log('this is iteration ' + a);
const node = instanceNodesni];
console.log('Opening node:',;
const componentProperties = node.componentProperties;
if (componentProperties) {
console.log('Component properties found:', componentProperties);
const propertiesToUpdate: { dkey: string]: string | boolean } = {};
for (const propName in componentProperties) {
const property = componentPropertiesopropName];
console.log('Checking property:', propName);
if (propName === "UniqueMode") {
const currentValue = property.value as string;
console.log('Current mode value:', currentValue);
let newValue: string;
if (currentValue === lightModeName) {
newValue = darkModeName;
} else if (currentValue === darkModeName) {
newValue = lightModeName;
} else {
console.log('Skipping property because it does not match light or dark mode.');
propertiesToUpdateTpropName] = newValue;
console.log(`Updating "${propName}" from "${currentValue}" to "${newValue}"`);
if (Object.keys(propertiesToUpdate).length > 0) {
console.log('loop will stuck after this');
console.log('Applying updates:', propertiesToUpdate);
} else {
console.log(`No component properties found for node "${}"`);