Display scroll bar in prototype preview mode

+1. This is an extremely important feature for people who want to show their Figma prototypes to clients.

I constantly do usability testing with prototypes in Figma, it’s really powerful but the only thing that creates a lot of inconvenience during the sessions is the lack of scroll bars. 99% of the time I test with Windows users with laptops which usually are not the latest models. The trackpads on those laptops are crap. It supports only clicks, no gestures like on Mac. And it is a big pain when a user can not scroll the prototype, especially when there are multiple scrollable areas. It is a real pain. I tried to make a fake scrollbars, but in most cases it doesn’t work as well. Figma please consider adding this as an option for scrollable frames.

Agreed with everyone here. I’m in the middle of a round of user testing and the lack of scroll bar on the prototype is a huge issue, especially for older users and PC laptop users. They are literally clicking and dragging to move the page and have no visual feedback of where they are on the page.

We usually prototype in other software, and trying Figma prototyping this time. But we will have to stop using Figma to prototype if this issue is not resolved; it makes the session so difficult.


Bump. This feature would be ideal for our user testing sessions!

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+1 Please this is needed URGENTLY!

It’s beyond me how BASIC interactive elements like scrollbars, radio buttons etc were not part of the very first release.

+1! necessary!

+1 deff a required feature

This is a must! +1

Any update on this? (+1). Many users get confused about a missing scrollbar while user testing. So our (and many others too) results become less qualitative.

I agree. This is at least one point where Sketch is ahead …


This is a huge drawback for designing web apps and sites. Any scrolling interaction is not going to be testable if the scrollbar is not visible.

Figma has a long way to go on the prototyping side, especially for web apps. Another thing us forms and form interactions. Not having any kind of keyboard input or navigation is a huge limitation.

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+1 Our user who test the prototype don’t understand that they can scroll on certain element like text/paragraph :frowning:

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+1 definitely a missing feature!

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+1 - I’m doing user testing now and the lack of scrollbar is really messing up our data as people without scroll wheels or modern laptops are really struggling

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+1 This just cost us a usability test as despite instruction, the subject could not understand how to use their trackpad to scroll. This is an accessibility issue for older/less technical subjects - exactly the people we should be trying to test with more!

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This is such a HUGE issue when conducting user testing. We end up using a good chunk of the testing time educating users on how to scroll down a page with two fingers on a laptop track pad. Even then, we have had some users who still couldn’t scroll, which necessitated cancelling the session altogether.

Can somebody from Figma PLEASE at a minimum at least respond to this thread???!?

+1 Also ran into issues during usability testing where users were confused by the lack of a scroll bar in our prototype

+1. It’s frustrating having to explain to clients why there isn’t a scrollbar on the proto, but there frequently is one in a browser.

@Figma_Support Please allow the option to show a scrollbar when scrolling is enabled in the proto!