I have a few screens that are ready for development
I select one or two and click “Mark as ready for Dev”
One more screen needs to be marked for Dev, but the button is no longer shown when it’s selected. This means I am unable to mark any other screens as “Ready for Dev” unless I remove the flag from ALL other screens on the page
![Screenshot 2024-01-10 at 12.30.37 PM|690x494] (upload://hMHtOmfYlZ7QYSl40P0fnxWDERT.png)
Your help guide says “Click Mark as ready for dev in the toolbar.” Which isn’t exactly clear because that button appears twice in the interface and only once with this copy (in the other instance it’s hidden as an alt).
Thank you for your feedback! Your comments have helped our product team become aware of the discoverability issue. I’ll also make sure to pass on your suggestions regarding the help guide to our internal team.