Creation of Vector node

I am trying to create a check mark, through Figma plugin.I have written these lines of code:


Figma.ui.onmessage = async(pluginMessage) => {

const tick = Figma.createVector();
tick.vectorPaths = [{ windingRule: “EVENODD”, data: “M10.789 0.230769C10.9358 0.0769223 11.1046 0 11.29…3077 1.21101 4.08462L4.18349 7.2L10.789 0.230769Z”}];
tick.fills = [{ type: “SOLID”, color:{r: 1, g: 1, b: 1 }}];
tick.blendMode = ‘NORMAL’;

tick.opacity = 1;
tick.visible = true;
tick.blendMode = “PASS_THROUGH”;
tick.constrainProportions = true;
tick.cornerRadius = tick.cornerSmoothing = 0;
const nodes:SceneNode = ;




But instead a vector is created but with no properties that i have specified. In the console its showing something like this.

I think you are using relative svg path. Use absolute svg path.

Refer: data | Plugin API