Copy/Move variable groups into other collections

+1 please add this!!!

Hey Figma, Can you give an update on where this lies in your roadmap.

Hey All, thanks for your continued votes and feedback!

For transparency, the Variables team is very aware of the need for improvement here. But right now, their bigger focus is around fixing bugs and UX simplicity in the consumption of variables. The team still has eyes on this topic, and they definitely appreciate your feedback.

My community team here will continue to advocate on your behalf for prioritization, and we’ll provide a more accurate timeline as soon as the Variables team is able to provide one.

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1+ year has passed since release. We need it. Managing variables is really hard.

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@Artyom_Lezhnyuk I’m with you. I don’t unterstand, why such a fundamental “function” is not available and because of that, I’cant use them to 100%.

Without this functionality, I cannot and do not want to use the variable 100% of the time, as the customisations are far too time-consuming. Using extensions for this is also out of the question for me.