Color code or tag comments

We often leave comments with different purposes or to different roles in the company (stakeholder, copy, dev, UX/UI, etc.) It would make it much easier to identify the comments relevant for you if we had the option of color coding or tagging them (and filtering your comments view to only show those relevant to your work).
This would especially make large projects easier.


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Would be nice for my teammates to mark comments in a way that is easy for me to filter:

or even for me to take better notes using comments:

Curious what you all think :v: thanks in advance


Would love this feature. Sometimes comments are left for Content Design, some are annotations, some are specifically for eng… If we could change the colors of the tag, it would make things a little easier. Example here:


This would be an absolute game changer. Right now I just comment “highest”, “high”, “low” etc when assigning comments to team members. Not particularly effective.

I think a feature should be added to comments to help differentiate by type.

For example: a use case would be differentiating “feedback” from “question” comments. When presenting to a client, I want to isolate to just “question” comments as I walk through designs, but there’s not a way for me to tell the difference without opening each comment individually, nor is it always appropriate for me to expose all comments to a client.

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Hi Figma team,

I have a suggestion that could improve the way we manage comments in Figma. It would be really helpful if we could add tags to comments. This way, when reviewing comments, we could easily differentiate between action items, ideas to save for future reference, and ongoing discussions that haven’t been resolved.

Adding this feature would streamline collaboration by allowing users to categorize and prioritize feedback more effectively.

Thank you for considering this suggestion! :slightly_smiling_face:


When you work with a team there are millions of comments and it’s CHAOTIC. Developers need to leave comments for themselves and also for desinger and a simple Comment tools is not enough.

If we could have a color code system to organize them, have status modes for priority like, hide/show from people, restrict deletion access… would be great. I’m always afraid of clicking the check mark instead of the X to close it, and loose the information.