Chat Functionality Improvements

The chat function in Figma can be frustrating to use for a couple of reasons, the most glaring are:

  • If I start typing in a chat bubble and need to go look at something in the file before I finish posting, there’s not way to exit out without hitting “send”. Suggested improvement allow a “draft” to save typed text, close the bubble, and reopen it
  • When I hit “enter” to make a new paragraph, the message sends instead. Suggested improvement hitting “enter” breaks to a new line, hitting “tab-enter” will send message (or clicking “send” button)

Thanks for reading!

Hey @Anna86! Appreciate this feedback. I’m passing it over to the team that works on our chat platform.

For your first point: would you think that an option to open the chat in an independent window help with this (so you’re never technically ‘leaving’)? Just want to get more of your thoughts on other solutions that popped up in my head :sweat_smile: