Change canvas background color

If I add a screen or image with a white background, it’s difficult to see where the image ends. I’d like to either add a stroke or change the background colour of the canvas so I can see the images as blocks

Can this request be implemented in the near future? I don’t want to beat a dead horse here, but I’m another user have pretty much all of the issues everyone has mentioned in this thread. I notice this overall thread has been ongoing for about 8 months at this point, and it would be great if we were to get an update from the Figma team on this. Thank you! :slight_smile:


We’re still in need of this feature. HELP. Adding screenshots with white backgrounds makes them half-visible :frowning:


Yes!! Please add this capability! Or at least allow the frames copied from figma to have a shadow so it stands out from the white bg like InVision. PLEASEEEE!

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This should be easy to implement, right?! :smile: Come on now.

:pray::pray::pray: + disable dots grid

You can do it right now: Main menuViewShow dot grid.

It’s only your personal view settings. I mean I want to disable it for all viewers and for embed.

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You could use “Section” and make the section grey to change the background


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please do it… i really need to change background color and disable dots grid

Do something like Microsoft whitheboard.

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In Microsoft this feature is so good.
Btw please add feature to Figma app to have full screen

look, i cant disable the top bar. BUT on web APP I CAN DO IT!! Please fix it!!

this is screen from web app

Please! we need the possibility to change the Figjam background color.
Thanks in advance!

Upvote, this should be low hanging fruit for the devs.

Updoot! Background color options for Figjam would be so tight. Or at least a dark mode for the love of my eyeballs.

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For now, I just added a section around everything and change the color to a dark one. It can help if you really want to work with the screen darker.

that’s cool ! bravo !



Bumping this. I am using a huge black shape in the background, which is clunky but ok. However when pulling it into Notion, it doesn’t respect its layer order and displays the big black shape on top of everything.