Can't find some things in my dashboard

Hi guys, I’m new in the UI/UX world but the issue I’m having now is my Figma design dashboard interface which some options like mobile- lofi, desktop- lofi, mobile- hi-fi, desktop- hi-fi are missing.

And I can’t seem to add a frame to my prototype

Kindly help, what can I do please, or am I doing something wrong

![|18x18](data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg fill=‘none’ xmlns=‘SVG namespace’ viewBox=‘0 0 16 16’%3E%3Cpath d=‘M16.0001 7.9996c0 4.418-3.5815 7.9996-7.9995 7.9996S.001 12.4176.001 7.9996 3.5825 0 8.0006 0C12.4186 0 16 3.5815 16 7.9996Z’ fill=‘url(%23paint0_linear_15251_63610)’/%3E%3Cpath d=‘M16.0001 7.9996c0 4.418-3.5815 7.9996-7.9995 7.9996S.001 12.4176.001 7.9996 3.5825 0 8.0006 0C12.4186 0 16 3.5815 16 7.9996Z’ fill=‘url(%23paint1_radial_15251_63610)’/%3E%3Cpath d=‘M16.0001 7.9996c0 4.418-3.5815 7.9996-7.9995 7.9996S.001 12.4176.001 7.9996 3.5825 0 8.0006 0C12.4186 0 16 3.5815 16 7.9996Z’ fill=‘url(%23paint2_radial_15251_63610)’ fill-opacity=‘.5’/%3E%3Cpath d=‘M7.3014 3.8662a.6974.6974 0 0 1 .6974-.6977c.6742 0 1.2207.5465 1.2207 1.2206v1.7464a.101.101 0 0 0 .101.101h1.7953c.992 0 1.7232.9273 1.4917 1.892l-.4572 1.9047a2.301 2.301 0 0 1-2.2374 1.764H6.9185a.5752.5752 0 0 1-.5752-.5752V7.7384c0-.4168.097-.8278.2834-1.2005l.2856-.5712a3.6878 3.6878 0 0 0 .3893-1.6509l-.0002-.4496ZM4.367 7a.767.767 0 0 0-.7669.767v3.2598a.767.767 0 0 0 .767.767h.767a.3835.3835 0 0 0 .3835-.3835V7.3835A.3835.3835 0 0 0 5.134 7h-.767Z’ fill=‘%23fff’/%3E%3Cdefs%3E%3CradialGradient id=‘paint1_radial_15251_63610’ cx=‘0’ cy=‘0’ r=‘1’ gradientUnits=‘userSpaceOnUse’ gradientTransform=‘rotate(90 .0005 8) scale(7.99958)’%3E%3Cstop offset=‘.5618’ stop-color=‘%230866FF’ stop-opacity=‘0’/%3E%3Cstop offset=‘1’ stop-color=‘%230866FF’ stop-opacity=‘.1’/%3E%3C/radialGradient%3E%3CradialGradient id=‘paint2_radial_15251_63610’ cx=‘0’ cy=‘0’ r=‘1’ gradientUnits=‘userSpaceOnUse’ gradientTransform=‘rotate(45 -4.5257 10.9237) scale(10.1818)’%3E%3Cstop offset=‘.3143’ stop-color=‘%2302ADFC’/%3E%3Cstop offset=‘1’ stop-color=‘%2302ADFC’ stop-opacity=‘0’/%3E%3C/radialGradient%3E%3ClinearGradient id=‘paint0_linear_15251_63610’ x1=‘2.3989’ y1=‘2.3999’ x2=‘13.5983’ y2=‘13.5993’ gradientUnits=‘userSpaceOnUse’%3E%3Cstop stop-color=‘%2302ADFC’/%3E%3Cstop offset=‘.5’ stop-color=‘%230866FF’/%3E%3Cstop offset=‘1’ stop-color=‘%232B7EFF’/%3E%3C/linearGradient%3E%3C/defs%3E%3C/svg%3E)

All reactions:

1Babalola Bukola Amos

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out!

It seems you’re looking for pages named Mobile - Lofi, Desktop - Lofi, Mobile - Hi-fi, and Desktop - Hi-fi based on the second screenshot. Although the screenshot isn’t very clear, it appears that the first screenshot does not include these pages. I recommend checking if you’re in the correct file. For more information about the left side panel, you can refer to this article: View layers and pages in the left sidebar.

Please feel free to let us know if you have more questions! Happy to support.


Thanks for the reply, I still can’t find Mobile - Lofi, Desktop - Lofi, Mobile - Hi-fi, and Desktop - Hi-fi on my dashboard and can’t seem to add a frame to my prototype.

You will not find things named as you are seeking. You will find preset frames for common device types and sizes.

The Figma help files really have everything you will need. I recommend getting very familiar with those pages.

This link will take you to the “change the frame preset” part of the page.

If you scroll to the top it will walk you through step by step about how frames work in Figma.