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I’m working as a contractor for a company and they shared their Figma files with me. They said I’m labeled as a viewer and, as such, should be able to comment (but not edit) the file. However, when I try to comment it says “comments editor unavailable”…anyone know why?

I just emailed Figma support and they directed me here because I have a “Starter” (aka free) account…could that be the reason why I can’t comment?

Hey @Toni_Can – sorry about that!

Can you confirm some stuff for me? I’ve seen this floating around before, but it seems to resolve itself. Being a free user shouldn’t be affecting this.

Are you seeing this on both when trying to comment on the browser and the desktop app?

If you hard quit and restart Figma, then try to comment in the file again, are you able to?

If you haven’t yet, please try clearing your cache and seeing if that helps.

Let me know if you’re still unable to comment.

I had this same issue. Managed to resolve it by using a different browser. But incognito or clearing cache also works.
