Hey Teri, Boolean, number, and string variables can be assigned to component instances with variant properties. Could you share a screen recording with us what you’re seeing on your end?
I just heard back from Figma support — apparently this is a known limitation:
- Layer boolean properties cannot be attached to boolean variables
- Variant booleans CAN be attached to boolean variables
Instead of having a layer toggle on/off, I had to create 2 variants, one with the layer showing and one with it hidden.
Unless I am missing something, I think you could also attach the visibility of a layer to the boolean variable. If you scroll down on the right side panel to layer, you should find an eye (visibility) icon. Double clicking on it would open a list of boolean variables you could choose from.
You could also do the same for a string variable. Setting the value to “FALSE” even as a string has the same effect as a boolean set to false.
A known and ignored limitation, as usual with Figma
I just heard back from Figma support — apparently this is a known limitation:
- Layer boolean properties cannot be attached to boolean variables
- Variant booleans CAN be attached to boolean variables
Instead of having a layer toggle on/off, I had to create 2 variants, one with the layer showing and one with it hidden.
This is absurd. How do you hide a layer based on a variable then?!