Branching - Update from main file Conflicts - Stuck


I have created a branch of my design system to introduce the variables feature.
Bug fixes still happened in the main file.

Now I’m done with the variables and I want to merge them.
But when I start to fix the conflicts, Figma gets stuck.
No matter if I open it in the browser or in the standalone app.
Reloading it doesn’t help either.

Figma memory is still green with a maximum of 44%.

Is there any way to automatically settle on “keep main” to bypass the conflict modal?
Maybe there is another solution that will help me.

Many thanks!

Hi @Matthias sorry to hear this is happening! Can you reach out to our support team directly via this form for help:

Please be sure to include a video of the issue along with the links to the file and branch you are having issues with and share it with so they can take a closer look.