I am unable to view values for background blur of a rectangles that i have used in a design. here is the screenshot of the design. The Blurred rectangle is used just behind the Login & create account Button. i have attached screenshots for reference.
Hi @dvaliao I will replicate the file and give you access.
how i found it - It was an update to an already built design. The developer was unable to find the values of Blur in dev mode, so he contacted me. I checked and all other effects values were working fine except blur.
PS: also unable to export this rectagle as svg. It shows an error and also if it exports its a 0kb svg.
No update on a fix yet. From the file provided by Jatin, it seems to be a remixed UI Kit. So since it’s using the “legacy” iOS codegen, this seems to be an expected, long standing bug for now.
@Nick_Gertonson - If you’re able to provide a link to your file for the team to look at as well, it would help. Be sure to share edit access with support-share@figma.com, so they can take a closer look.
Our team is facing a similar bug (?) where the blur values are only showing up as css properties in the styles panel without any reference to the actual local variable.
Our designers are using a local variable called blur-md which maps to another variable #1 applied to it which in turn is 8px. (blur-md > #1 > 8px).
In the dev tools the variable is not referenced anywhere but only shows up in the styles panel directly:
The confusing part is, that the variable apparently is being halfed calc(var(--blur, 8px) / 2) and we kind of don’t know why that is.
I’ve invited support-share@figma.com to an example file, but it should be pretty easy to replicate. Not doing anything special here, just a simple Background Blur effect that only shows up in the CSS version of Dev mode. Need to be able to communicate blur values with iOS and Android engineers.
Did you use anything in your file from the UI Kit? And can you still share a direct link to the file?
Support-share is a shared account by the entire Figma support team, so invites get lost, as we continuously receive edit access from users throughout the day.
Not sure if this would be a related bug. Did you use anything in your file from the UI Kit? And are you able to share your file with us?
If so, please include a link to the file within this thread and share edit access with support-share@figma.com, so our Dev mode team can take a closer look.