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Auto layout is not working properly


Hello everyone! First of all, I just want to say thank you for your attention and for taking the time to read this message.

I wanted to share an issue I’ve been having lately. I used to select two objects and auto-layout them by pressing “shift + a.” Before, I would get parameters on the right tool menu that showed padding and stuff. However, I’ve noticed that when I try to auto-layout 2 objects that were either grouped or auto-layout before, It no longer creates auto-layout with hugs inside objects. Instead, an outside auto-layout is created without hug, which is just like a normal group.

Thank you for your help in advance!


Best answer by Avokadomos

There’s been a few complaints about this recently, so I think it’s a new thing. Some layers are put into absolute positioning when it doesn’t make sense for them to be arranged into auto layout. From my experiments, it does this when layers are stacked on top of each other.

Observe the following examples:

View original

  • July 12, 2023

  • July 12, 2023

What I need is after a created auto-layout it automatically hugs inner content like this:


There’s been a few complaints about this recently, so I think it’s a new thing. Some layers are put into absolute positioning when it doesn’t make sense for them to be arranged into auto layout. From my experiments, it does this when layers are stacked on top of each other.

Observe the following examples:


Hi @Fryze!
I tried to reproduce your case and it seemed to work fine.

Do you mind sharing a file with examples that failed to work as you expected?


I think @Fryze is selecting multiple objects (not a frame) and applying auto layout on them; in this case a rectangle and a text field. It always works as expected when auto layout is applied on a frame, but not when applying it to a selection of objects.

It seems to work if there’s only text layers on top of the rectangle, in which case the rectangle is converted into a frame containing the text layer(s). But whenever there are other objects overlaying the rectangle, they get absolute positioning.

This might seem like inconsistent behavior.

  • July 13, 2023

I’ve selected frame and a second object, but still won’t work 😦

video: 2023-07-13_5auvkxujc |


The background you’re selecting is a rectangle, so this is exactly what I demonstrated above. If the background is a frame instead, it’ll work as you intend, but only if the content is nested within the frame.

  • July 13, 2023

it worked before, right? Or I’m wrong

I had the same issue but fixed it. I had a group of elements with auto-layout already, then duplicated them and wanted to auto-layout again. But I noticed when I applied the second auto-layout (to the group 1 with group 2), the initial resizing changed from hug contents to fixed heights so I changed it back to hug contents. And it worked.


someone please help me… it’s not working guys. When i auto layout a text on a object/rectangle, it’s working… but when i try to place SHAPES on a object/rectangle, it’s NOT working. Responses are highly appreciated.


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