Hello I am new to Figma, I am trying to use arc tool on an elipse. But I cannot catch the arch point inside the elipse to drag the arc point to create curve on my elipse. Because when I mouse over the elipse, the arc point in the elipse shows and the cursor of my mouse turns into arch (little arrow) to show me that it is ready to arc. but when I move my mouse the cursor changes to size tool. As a result I only manage to either increase or reduce the size of the elipse but not arching the elipse. I even downloaded a arc pluging from Figma but I am still having the same issue. Can you please help.
Hey @paul.benedek - I saw your most recent comment on an older existing thread. I went ahead and split your post into a new one, so that way we can keep a more up-to-date conversation easily.
You mentioned you can’t catch the arch point – I’m having some trouble visualizing what you mean. Would you be willing to capture a screen recording so I can get a better idea of what you’re looking to achieve?