Hello, I am learning Figma and trying to use the animation option but it’s not available under the prototype section? What can I do?
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Hello Gvantsa_Lomsadze! Thanks for reaching out to the community. I recommend you to have a look to our Help Center article for Prototype animation and also our Guide to Prototyping in Figma.
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Hey there, you have to set first an interaction (by clicking first to the “+” next to the interaction), and then apply the animation.
In order to Create interactions and animations, please follow these steps:
- Open the Prototype tab in the right sidebar
- Add interactions
- Set interaction details
- Apply an animation
- Preview your animation
Example animation sets:
As explained in my previous message, please follow this Guide to prototyping in Figma to start to prototype: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040314193-Guide-to-prototyping-in-Figma#Create_interactions_and_animations Hope it helps!
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