Adjusting a gradient after applying a gradient style to an object

Created a gradient style. Applied it to a shape. Now how to adjust the angle?
I know it is possible to edit the style itself. But I am not able to figure out how to edit the gradient in the shape unless I detach that style.

Is there a way to keep the style and edit the gradient angle?
Possible feature request?


I don’t think this is possible. Could be a feature request idea though.

I think the current workaround would be to have multiple gradient styles at different preset angles so that you can easily switch between them. But this may not work if you need precise control of the angle.


I’m also struggling with this — we’ve implemented gradients into our design system and I have to break them everytime I need to change the angle which confuses our devs.


It looks like a bug. When I edit the gradient style and try to move the gradient handles (like I normally do in order to change the angle) the ‘Edit style’ popup closes and nothing happens.


I agree that this is a bug … same behaviour for me … editing an existing gradient deselects and closes edit pop up so I have no way of editing the gradient style.


Yes, I have the same bug. I need to edit my gradient styles for the design system of my company, and whenever I try to edit the angle of the gradients, it quits the editing modal. Super annoying!


Same here… super annoying :frowning:

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Yeah it’s def a bug. I am almost sure that editing gradient INSIDE a style was possible some time ago. And then updates crashed the feature(


Please fix this, Figma!!!

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So, seems like there’s a way after all, or added sometime the last couple of months.

Editing the style through the style list doesn’t work, but if you select an object using the style, and editing it by selecting the applied style, it seems to work and the gradient handles appear!

How exactly did this work for you? I can’t seem to get the handles to show by selecting the style on the object.

Same question as above^. How do you even edit a gradient angle in a stye? I can only edit gradient angles from specific objects, not the styles. And as soon as I edit a gradient angle, its connection with the style is broken. Seems pointless to have a gradient style if I can’t edit its angle.

Looks like the only way to apply a non-default angle on a gradient style is to set it on an object prior to adding it as a style. Although I won’t be able to change it from that point on.

I think I found the answer to my own question. I need to select an object with that style applied, then click on that style from the right-side panel, then right-click that style from the library that pops up from it, and click edit. This is not intuitive at all…

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Thanks alot, this works for me