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I am a teacher currently looking for a replacement for Jamboard. I tried Figma for a few months in one of my classes and I like most of its features, but not being able to add more pages is somewhat of a dealbreaker for me. Please consider adding this for educational accounts.

Hey @Adam_Gold, thanks for the feedback!

I’ve moved your reply and turned it into a feature request. We’ll pass this onto the FigJam team for future consideration.

You are clearly misleading EDU users! I thought EDU is free Professional plan. So +1 on having multiple pages on figjam files - in that way all students on the class can have their own page with individual assigments and i can set it up on one place!

Hi ​@boki , Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

We already have a similar request from other community members, so I've merged your suggestion with theirs to increase visibility.

Thanks again for your valuable input.

