A few Ideas to improve variables

Option to use nested (objects with) variables. Big need!
Every tutorial about variables you watch skips using button states :slight_smile:

Variable Window

  • option to search (if you have a lot of variables)
  • Scalable columns (if variable names or strings are too long)
  • show if variable is used (good to know when you want to clean up your mess)


  • bigger Window please
  • Being able to copy from the variables Popup to another popup (like it is already possible in the right column)
  • Tootltip for (long)variable names
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Hi there,

Thank you for providing feedback! I will share this with our internal team. Your input is highly valued, and we will take it into consideration for future enhancements.


Is the location where one can monitor the state of all or some of the variables in the project? It would be extremely useful in debugging the prototype.

A post was merged into an existing topic: What’s NEW at Config 2024? :sparkles:

Please do not abandon Variables.
This Config was to me a bit of a bad surprise: a lot of new stuff, rather than announcing changes to “old” more useful stuff, like variables management.

Variables are a great tool, but they still feel incomplete after one year.

Besides the limitations of 4 modes even for organisations, there are several things that haven’t been implemented yet.
For example, multi layered variables, or the text variables which are missing basic stuff like % line-height. Or even being able to reference a text style as variable. Or even “folders” for collections (like it happens with colors), which would make really less painful using them.

These would be all great stuff to implement, even before AI features that no one asked for, and honestly, don’t solve that many key problems I have with variables instead. Thanks.


It’s like Sketch all over again… we are getting not exactly what we need :slight_smile:.


  • Math expressions in variables
  • Variables overriding component attributes e.g. text
  • Reference components in variables


  • Exposing only some attributes of a nested component
  • Rearranging freely exposed nested component attributes


  • Add ELSE IF for crying out loud


  • Branching from branches
  • Merging parallel branches

And this is just from the top of my head.


Agree. The lack of variables improvement made me started thinking about other tools, life Framer.
I wouldn’t want to change tool, but if it doesn’t meet my expectations I might have to.