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Hi guys, mine is not a request for help but a suggestion. I wanted to tell you that I find it really inefficient that in a large company like the one I work in, there are colleagues who have the new Beta version and others who continue to have the old one, waiting (as you yourselves have communicated) to be updated as soon as possible. This, especially in meetings, is really annoying. My question is why haven’t you updated the beta version per company? This would help us a lot during our daily work by all working on the same interface. I hope you will take my suggestion into account. Regards

Hey @Alessandra_Fratini, thanks for the feedback and apologies for the delay!

We are not able to activate the UI3 beta for entire teams or organizations, but as you already know, rest-assured that they will be granted to individuals on a rolling basis over the next few months.

All functionality remains consistent across the old Figma design and UI3, so the UI3 rollout team believes that teams can continue with daily operations without disruptions, even if some teammates are using a different version of Figma design.

Regardless, I’ll still pass this feedback onto the UI3 rollout team for consideration.

It’s interesting to know what could prevent you from activating a new UI on a team basis. When you say, ‘We are not able,’ what does that mean, and what could possibly prevent you from doing so?

Figma has team-based access permissions, team plans, etc. I can’t think of any technical issue that may be preventing you from activating UI on a team/enterprise plans basis and avoiding all the issues caused by inconsistent rollout pace.


This should have been a planned requirement for the UI3 Rollout team.
