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While user will hover over the collaborators profile, Email address will be display as tooltip.

Sorry, but I’m not quite sure what you mean. Can you clarify a bit more? Are you talking about being able to hover over another user who is currently in the same file, and seeing their email address?

Not sure if this is what they meant, but showing email addresses of who’s invited to each file would be immensely helpful. I hate how it just shows names.

On multi org projects, especially freelance projects with random people involved, instead of going through Slack, emails or messaging someone on a really big project to figure out who to share other files to, it’d be nice to have emails readily available of who’s been invited to various Figma files.


Please to mitigate confusion caused by similar or identical short names by displaying the user’s email ID when hovering over their name in the Share section.

This feature addresses the issue of users having similar or identical short names, which can lead to confusion. By displaying the email ID on hover, users can quickly and accurately identify the correct contact, improving overall user experience and reducing errors in communication.

+1 for this request, it’s really annoying especially during the times I accidentally approve sharing access to personal accounts when I’ve repeatedly told my stakeholders to use their work emails to create free Figma accounts… But it’s hard to discern that if all I see are people’s names and no confirmation of what the email addresses are from the file sharing view 😅
