Hi all,
I came across this interesting features while playing with Ableton Live DAW.
In Ableton you can create a set of Macros to control various parameters of the instrument you are playing. The cool thing is that you can save ‘‘snapshots’’ of the Macro settings, in order to access the desired settings without having to tweak the knobs all the time.
I think this could be applied to Figma properties panel.
Properties are a great feature to avoid building dozens of variants and make component very flexible. The only downside is that you have to tweak the properties every time you use that component to achieve the configuration you want.
How cool would it be if you can save these configurations and you can select the desired one everytime you drag that component into your artboard?
This is a Top Nav Component that uses property.
Every time I use it I need to tweak the properties ( Yes/No front icon, Yes/No back icon, Yes/No background, Icon or Action and so on…)
If I could save the properties config with different combinations, I’ll be able to access the desired config straight away, and still tweaking the properties if I need further editing.
Saving properties configuration will happen at master level ( master component )
Let me know your thoughts.