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Hey guys,

Let’s be real. The main spectrum of work with UI, whether it’s an app, or a website, is displaying data or content (such as feed, lists, posts, comments, etc).

We can do a component of a post card, for example. Then duplicate instances, and wrap that in an auto layout.

It would be cool to have a repeater that shows right up after you’ve activated the auto-layout, where you can specify how many times to repeat the instance (component) and bind data to it.

At the same time, it would be cool to have a centralized data location somewhere (i.e. when you click on the data, open a shared data set so that the same data can be accessed from different repeaters).

(Screenshot is just to deliver the idea, it’s far from the perfect UI, I didn’t spent much time of thinking it through since Figma has a great product team on board to elaborate it and deliver in an amazing simplified way)

It feels like it’s a very natural evolution of Auto-Layout feature.

So, what do you guys think?

(P.S. Sorry for my English, it’s my second language)

BIG BUMP…Who doesn’t need this? @Figma_Team is this on the roadmap?


Coming from Axure the Repeater is one thing I truly miss.

+1 for me, too. In this case, coming from XD. I think that a feature like Repeat Grid should allow repetition of any layer on the canvas. Say: you want to repeat a group of elements or a frame. This way, you could select any object inside a component and repeat it.

As earlier mentioned, there is also a request for a slot feature (arbitrary instance swap in components), where I think that a repeat grid could help big time. If, inside a component, you can repeat an object that happens to be instance-swappable, this could be really nice.

I do foresee some issues: what if you want to have one component to repeat, but any repeated component is the same variant? I think that the repeat functionality would be most powerful if it ships with the ability to override component properties per repeated instance.

I’m a bit scared it add too much complexity tbh

I am constantly surprised that there are couple of basic features that I was used to from XD (which otherwise was lacking big time in features) aren’t a thing in Figma.

I hope this will eventually get added, it’s really strange how content generation (and overall ease of filling UI with real data) isn’t more prioritized in Figma.

@Figma_Team Is this in the works?

I’m considering the 10th time to switch over from Adobe XD, and the 10th time I have abandoned that idea. There is missing very important functionality. I do mostly corporate tools UI-UX, there are lots of repeated data columns in tables. In XD I would drop text file to the repeater and will be done with it, but how do I accomplish that in Figma? Changing 50 lines in 7 columns of different data would take me ages. To change 350 different points of data by copy-paste method just for one view is mission impossible but I have 20 different views easily in one project.

I agree this is something Axure has that Figma doesn’t and would be very powerful. I prefer Figma over Axure, adding repeaters would be great!

This makes so much sense for app design, website design, etc. So many applications.

If a component has a child frame that has auto-layout on it and it contains at lease one interior component, a button should appear that lets you repeat the interior component on the parent component’s instance. You could even add a “max” field to the number of components.

+1 need this

This would be a welcome addition. I currently use the slot solution, but that is prone to messing up and can cause headaches by messing up (for example, when changing the amount of visible slots, the entered content resets to default).

➕ 1️⃣

… oh that would really be a super useful extension and actually the implementation of a really basic feature both in terms of screen layouts and component structure. Much needed!

Coming up on 4 years here, Figma… How we doing with this feature?

🙏 🙏 🙏

be perfect to have this.
