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While prototyping, if you draw a connection to a new frame you get a popup with a bunch of transition options like “on click”, “on drag”, “delay”, etc. It can take a bit of time to set this up for each transition.

The problem is, every time I draw a new connection, I have to reselect every choice even if all I want to do is create another transition of the same kind. This makes creating long flows, especially those that rely on delays and have a lot of similar screens, really cumbersome to create.

Suggestion: Preserve menu selections for each user per project file, don’t reset the popup menu.

For example:

  • User creates a new connection and sets it to Delay (10ms), Smart Animate (Ease Out, 100ms).

  • User creates another connection, it is already set to the same settings so the user doesn’t have to do anything more than draw a new connection. (Delay 10ms, Smart Animate: Ease Out 100ms is already set)

  • Include an option to revert this setting and reset the menu, for those who prefer the original flow for their work.

ty for the feedback! i’m going to add an additional tag of prototyping to make this a bit more definitive 😃 I don’t have any immediate suggestions on how to improve this as it is natively, but hopefully someone else in the community can jump in to offer some advice.
