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I’m having trouble exporting PDFs of frames. Do you know if the export functionality embeds the fonts? I will import the generated pdf frame into another work that requires to be PDF/A compliant, so I need the font embedded in the frame in the first place. I tried with Adobe Reader, and it does not say “embedded”, which is usually a sign that it’s not. I tried with another software (Okular), and it does say “fully embedded”.


Hi, did you ever find a solution for this problem?

Hey All, thanks for reaching out!

At the moment, we do not support a way to embed fonts in exported PDFs. We’ve updated this topic to a feature request, and we’ll pass your feedback onto the team for consideration.

Please add this feature. 🙏

Hi Denise, it’s been over half a year now. Can you share if there has been any progress? Is this even in a roadmap - any plans to even do it?

Thank you

Hi, did you find any solution for this?

Hey All, thanks again for the feedback!

This is on our team’s radar, but there hasn’t been enough interest from the community to prioritize building this functionality. While it isn’t on our immediate roadmap, the team will continue to monitor this topic for future consideration.

I’m interested

I would be very interested in this feature. Right now I have been using this plugin to embed fonts:

I would like if this was built-in, because right now the difference between exporting a pdf natively vs. the plugin is 8.2Mb vs 422kb

Interested too. And I don’t think there’s that much interest for this feature yet, because most people don’t understand how much more optimized PDFs exported from Figma could be.

Personally, I exported an instance with quite a lot of text the other day, and rendering replacement vectors per character led to my mail client (OSX Mail on a chunky Macbook) almost freezing as a type! Please fix team Figma. 🙏

I think another case for this addition would be Accessibility. Right now, PDFs exported from Figma with vectorised text paths might not be easily ‘hearable’ for people with reading difficulties. Where as PDFs from say the Adobe suite enable embedded fonts and can be more easily processed by screen readers.

This seems crucial to me. PDFs are not truly “portable” unless fonts are embedded. Can’t have the fonts and the layout changing. I’m saying this as I’ve just sent my case studies to a hiring manager via PDF 🤦‍♂️
