Yes I could really use this- being able to run through some conditional logic “on page load” for certain views in a prototype would be nice.
Right now I’m using the “After delay” and/or “Mouse enter” for checking conditionals after a transition from one page to another which seems to work okay, but it feels “hacky”, and also then I can no longer use those actions for that specific frame again…
Hey All, thanks for the feedback!
We’ll pass this onto our Prototyping team for future consideration.
Want to add my vote because I was going to write essentially the same feature request.
An “On Load” interaction/trigger would be a great addition to the logic of interactions
Right now I use “after Delay: 1ms” but that’s a workaround that I honestly feel a little iffy about.
Same! I would love this as a prototype interaction. It would be incredibly useful.