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Am I missing something?

If I frame two instances/add auto layout, is there any way to expose the properties from the instances in the sidebar when I select that frame?

I’m using the Selection variants plugin which is super nice to have, but would prefer to not have to launch a plugin for this. Also, relying on other designers being aware of this when handling my files isn’t optimal.

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out. I think you can do with " Expose nested instances". You can expose specific nested instances to reveal their component properties alongside those of the top-level instance. Please check below for more information:

Figma Learn - Help Center

I hope this helps but please let me know if you have further questions!




I might’ve explained this poorly. AFAIK, Expose nested instances only works if they are inside another component. I was thinking for frames/groups.

In the first image, I have an instance selected, with properties exposed. But if I group it with another instance, their properties are not available when I select the group.

Of course this is not a big issue when there are only two objects inside a group, but it can add up if there are multiple frames inside each other, having to “double click” until I get to the instance with the exposes properties.

Thanks for the extra explanation! I completely missed the point, but now I get it. You’re right—the parent layer needs to be a component if you want to expose nested instances. Unfortunately, this feature isn’t available right now, so I’ll move your suggestion to the “Share an Idea” category so other community members can vote for it.

I’m sorry I can’t make this happen at the moment, but we always appreciate your feedback!

