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If I have edit access I use the Rect tool to sometimes measure some distances/relationships between objects. When in view-only access this is not possible, so I have to figure out distances in a round the houses awkward way, this is terrible for pixel perfect implementations.

Maybe it would be enough if the marquee select would show its coordinates/measurements, but a dedicated Measurement tool would be best.

This is my biggest complaint about Figma. We were using Sketch before Figma and not having access to some sort of tool to measure pixels has made it an extremely painful transition. (I’m a web developer and only ever have read rights)

I need this too!

Me too. If the design fits on your screen, you could try to set the view to 100% and use the screenshot tool (cmd-shift-4) to drag a rectangle to check the measurements.

I need this too, especially for cases where the text container is bigger than the text and I have to find the distance between the text and other elements

sc 2023-04-25 at 10.32.45

This would be extremely useful. There’s a lot of times when I want to measure somewhat arbitrary distances. Not all distances I measure line up perfectly with the bounds of elements.

Being able to use the Rulers tool in View Mode would be extremely helpful as a developer!
