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Chaining resizing options (fill container, fixed, hug etc) on auto layout frames takes a lot of time. it would be great to have keyboard shortcuts for them.

If not keyboard short cuts then commands I can get to with cmd+P.

Also: I thing double clicking an edge could make it fill the container (similar to hitting the edge of a text area)

Suggestions (given that auto layout is Shift+A):

  • SHIFT+A happens on release, not key down so that you can then…

  • SHIFT+A+LEFT = Hug

  • SHIFT+A+RIGHT = Fill

  • SHIFT+A+DOWN = Fixed


Love and second this idea!!

Up voting this. This would save much time.

YES PLEASE! Updating components to use Auto Layout can be really painful because there is no easy way to quickly assign sizing option or constraints.


Or at the very least add these as menu items so we can add our own keyboard shortcuts.

Or even as options in the command palette:

The new version of auto-layout makes resizing pretty easy:

double-click the frame edge → Hug Contents

option key + double-click frame edge → Fill Container

This update looks like a massive improvement 🙂

Figma Help Center

You saved my few months of my life 😅😭 THX

It’s great to have this but anyone using a wacom tablet knows how bad it is to double click anything with a small hit area, would love this to have a keyboard-only alternative.

Any updates on this?

(post deleted by author)

to fill container:

alt or option + double click a vertical edge of a bounding box

to hug a container:

double click a vertical edge of a bounding box

Unfortunately, these don’t work within a component with nest frames. Would be so helpful if they did, along with having the on-screen spacing adjusters.

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I think anyone with extremities, operating any kind of machine does. 🙂

If shortcuts are too hard, just please give us menu items only, so we can create our own shortcuts for hug and fill with system settings. Life is too short for slow UI.

It is frustrating that these do not work with nested frames, even though they should.

I do my work using voice commands,so not having a shortcut available really limits my productivity. the cost of adding shortcuts is not high so please please do
