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UX 101: do not do anything automatically that a user may not want. I have not once wanted a full stop (aka period) inserted into a text box when I hit spacebar multiple times.

This is in the same camp of automatically adding a link when pasting (not once have I wanted this) or automatically turning text into a list. These should only happen when a user specifically adds these using UI.

Hey @Joe_Garlick, thank you for your feedback! I’ve forwarded this to the teams for consideration and I do understand that this automation is not convenient for everyone. Community member leave



This is a mac feature, can turn off in Settings > Keyboard > Text

TIL! Wow, been using macs since the 90’s and this is the first time I’ve come across this! I guess Adobe apps don’t honour that setting so not something I’ve come across before, can’t remember how Sketch did it either.
