Working in a designer web agency, i’ve found it useful to share my files with clients – but this is sometimes a double edged sword and can hit us in the back with untimely feedback/unexpected feedback, which can set us back timeline wise as clients put feedback in last minute. We’ve also found that when they’ve had access, the client has come across half baked ideas and became confused about what’s included in the project and what isn’t, and what’s just an idea.
I’d like to propose an idea where an admin of an organisation can add a user, where their access will be revoked at a certain ‘date, time, etc.’ This way, clients can be set in a timeline where they can get all of their feedback and comments in, before they have their feedback revoked. I feel this would be a useful feature to automate removing access from clients at times, and to avoid making ‘client only’ files to hide certain designs from their eyes.
I’ve attached a really rough mockup below:
Does anyone else experience this? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help with this issue?
Would love to hear back