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I’d love to see Figma support print projects more seamlessly. Features like setting up bleed, margins, and crop lines after a document is created would make it easier to prepare files for print. Adding options for more advanced PDF exporting, such as including crop marks and setting output resolution, would also be valuable. It would be great to have built-in tools for flattening images, outlining text, and working with CMYK colors to ensure print accuracy. These additions would make Figma an even more versatile tool for designers handling both digital and print projects.

I’ve tried plugins but they always seem to be missing something or end up shifting my elements.

i have been using Figma as a replacement for indesign and illustrator.

after solving so many problems i realized that a few simple features would make Figma into a super app for print production. i made 8 comics books, and a few catalouges.

  1. enable change to 288 DPI instead of constant 72 DPi so that font sizes would match the acctual print size without changing anything on the working board. i meen only change the numbers on the information bars.

  2. connect text boxes so that overflow text flows from one text box to the other.

  3. all pages has same size mabee a frame size template that is related to the pages, that when you change it you define where and how to change it in related to the content.

  4. connect frames so that overflow text flows from one frame to another

  5. create indented content so i can use varibles to define chapter name or chapter number or page number. i havent toughted this out yet. but the idea is the create an automated text box that will have the chapter name in it related to where the text box is positined.

  6. export pdf of more than one page on Figma

i know this is a lot. mabee it should be a new Figma file all toghther that has the same editor but without the interactive stuff.
