Hey @Michael_Diener, thanks for the feedback and sorry for the frustration!
This has been top of mind this year, and our team actually made some recent updates to the @mention logic in comments. There are some restrictions around @mention behavior depending on your plan and role, so with these in mind, hopefully we can clear up any confusion!
Personal user account
Can mention:
- Users in a file who have a role on the file or who have previously commented on the file
- Users who have a role on a non-organization folder or team you have a role on
- Users who share your role and who are in the last 100 users you’ve interacted with in Figma
Starter, education or professional team
- Members can mention:
- All team members
- Users in a file who have a role on the file or who have previously commented on the file
- Non-members who have a role on any team resources
- Non-members can mention users who are in the last 250 users you’ve interacted with in Figma that are either a member of the team or who have a role on a team resource
Organization or enterprise
- Members can mention all members and guests
- Guests can mention:
- Users who share your role on folders or teams in the organization
- The last 100 organization members you’ve interacted with in Figma
- Users in a file who have a role on the file or who have previously commented on the file
Figma Learn - Help Center
Similar to Michael’s issue, I work on a large team and I am constantly tagging the wrong people who have the same name. It would be a great feature to be able to only have users show up who are invited to the files - like those who have edit access or view access, or have it based on file permissions. Or at least have those on the file as the auto recommended person vs alphabetical?
This has been bugging me for so long. I work in a massive organisation - with an enterprise plan - certain files in certain projects always have the same handful of people commenting and interacting in those files. Yet, when I go to tag someone (a person who is one of a handful who actually uses said file) I get a weird list of people with the same name, it’s never the person I always want to tag at the top, and the list isn’t even alphabetised.
All I want is for Figma to recognise the repeat, active users who engage with and comment on the file, and serve those people when I start typing their names.
example - I’m trying to tag Tom G in this file, yet it ALWAYS shows Tom W first and I accidentally tag that person