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It would be great if the professional plan offered more than 4 variable modes. Right now I want to set up a mode for each component size-- XS - XL, 5 sizes all together-- which puts me over the 4 limit for pro, but well under the 40 limit for enterprise, which is a quantity I will never need. And there’s no use case for enterprise at all for a team our size.

I think 10-12 modes for pro would be perfect to give small teams like mine room to grow before we reach the scale where an enterprise plan would be worth consideration.

Unlock the MODESImagine the application that started to give more focus on earning money than the user experience.

Exactly how I found out about it. It’s so frustrating

4 variable modes!!! Useless!!!

I agree. 4 variable modes is way too few.

I started using them because we need to adapt our web app design to multiple client’s brand identity and that was really the perfect solution until I hit the 4 variable modes limit.

I don’t really get why is there a limit on this feature, what’s the point then ? Just to have a dark/light mode option ?

Agree with everyone. It is absolutely ridiculous to limit an essential design feature to large agencies (who has 6 UX designers??). Most of us have way smaller teams. You cannot just take one of Figmas most essential features away from us. And, as stated by others, this is NOT a enterprise feature. It is a normal design feature. How are you supposed to work with Figma as a small or medium sized company? PLEASE do something about this terrible pricing model!! Make it accessible and you’ll have more total payments, as all of us at least have the option to purchase the upgrade!

i agree. The limit to 4 modes for a pro is useless. At least 10 i think is deserved for a Pro

Enterprise is not useful. I need more variables for color modes in my app. Why does the team need to pay $75 to unlock more variables? Wow… maybe just create a 5$ fee for publishing the design system twice per day? looks like adobe helped with the pricing model…

I have the same issue. Four modes are insufficient, and the Enterprise plan is not a good fit for us. Not to add that Figma does not support typography variables yet.

It’s hard to remain a Figma advocate in your own company when Figma charges more and more for everything.

Just discovered this awful limitation. Now I can‘t expand the visual themes I use for Figarc. Bummer.

Ran into this limit almost instantly after having learned to use this feature. “Seriously? Figma?”

any updates?

This is still a problem. Any updates on this?

Still a problem here too, it’s a feature that has nothing to do with the size of the company, and the limitation makes the modes almost useless… Plz, do something !!

Just my 2 cents about this one…

The feature of having more than 4 variables exists.

So in my oppinion, this topic is not about the Professional plan at it’s core… it’s about the fact that 25 modes cost now 75/mo

I think if we go this way it would grately narrow down the discussion spectrum.

I am working now on a project to streamline DESIGN/DEV process and it got me thinking… Looking at how we use more than 4 modes, I think it mostly falls under making our work more efficient. In this regards, if it would save 1h/mo/designer, why not just go with the higher tier? It would make sense financially.

I will note that I am not affiliated with Figma in any way.

With all due respect, you’re just wrong.

If Figma put all the dev mode features inside the enterprise plan, and you had to pay the full price for ALL the devs in your team to use ONLY dev features.

You’d be paying for dozens of features that are useless to all the devs on the project.

This post is about a rather questionable design decision by a design company, the lack of a clear response about how the enterprise plan is for giant companies since, with the exception of this feature, all the other features make no sense for companies that don’t need so many layers of security and governance.

Sure, you can do the math and agree to pay much more to have this feature, or try to convince your non-designer manager that it would be better for your team, but in the end, it would just be a way to remedy a wrong decision by Figma.

That being said… i also feel that we are pushed away from professional to higher tiers, and they also try to convert the dev who were usually free…

I guess we reached market saturation on designers… 😦 and growth has to come from somewhere

Same here. Recently trying to work with different modes for responsiveness (5 different breakpoints), so now I need to combine different ones into one 😔

It’s pretty outrageous to be honest, and offensive. Variables should be practically unlimited on any paid plan.

Unlock the modes

Totally agree!

Unlock the modes!!

At my company, one of our services is a white label product, for which we offer personalized UI service to many customers who require tweaks and different features. It’s impossible to work on a design system for each of them. And it’s very unfair that Figma has a solution for this with Modes, but doesn’t take into account this sort of (very basic) needs!

Are we all just yelling into the void here? There’s been over 7 months of well-reasoned grievances described here, and no updates or even attempts try to provide a justification for this nonsense?


Cmon Figgy, unlock it already 👀

Completeley agree, 4 modes just gets you hooked in using variables but barely makes them really useful if not for Dark/Light mode in colors.

Using variables for dimensions based on responsive breakpoints already leaves you short of at least a few breakpoints for professional work.

At least 10 modes should be provided on the Professional plan.

