Yes, it is baffling that this isn’t possible. I made a component for panels our app uses which allows me and my team to add a correctly sized and formatted panel really easily. That’s great. But that panel has a frame inside it to hold content (which could be any number of checkbox/radio button settings, text, input fields, dropdowns, etc. The only way I can actually use my instance is to detach it from the main component, which pretty much obviates up the whole point of using components in the first place.
Why can’t it just treat everything in the frame like a black box so all it maintains is the frame setting w/o caring about what contents are inside of it?
Really looking forward to something the thread author shared. Would be way more dynamic than what we currently have.
Our team is using the slot method to have at least a bit of flexibility regarding item count but it’s far from perfect as it comes with the already mentioned downsites and limitations. Also: Once slots are filled/swapped with components, you can’t reduce the item count via property dropdown menu and need to hide each element by hand.
You need to assemble the component correctly. This is the structure it should be:
Slot group
Container 1 (visible true or false)
Container 2 (visible true or false)
Brilliant! Thanks a lot Yury